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About Carmen Hu

Carmen Hu

Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

Bachelor of Economic

Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology (Yorkville University) 

Master of Science in Theoretical Psychoanalytic Studies (University College London)

Certified by Professional Holistic Fertility Counselling Diploma Course 

I specialize in psychoanalytic Winnicott paradigm and provide professional services in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English. With a wealth of life experience, comprehensive knowledge in psychology, a calm temperament, and an empathetic nature, I strive to assist clients in navigating difficulties in life and exploring personal strengths and wisdom.



西南财经大学毕业,经济学学士。二十多年财务背景,曾任职深圳知名会计师事务所,世界著名跨国公司,加拿大著名药厂。后于加拿大约克维尔大学获得心理咨询硕士学位,于英国伦敦大学学院(UCL) 获精神分析硕士学位。完成专业综合生育辅导课程 (Professional Holistic Fertility Counselling Diploma Course)。安省注册心理咨询师 (Qualifying), 目前于多伦多私人执业,擅长精神分析温尼科特范式心理咨询。丰富的人生经验,全面专业的心理学知识,冷静包容, 充满共情的个性气质,轻松助人的工作心态为你提供普通话,粤语和英语专业服务,帮助你走出人生阴霾,和你一起挖掘个人力量和生活智慧。

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